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  • Mapping blood vessel network of the meniscus with high precision

    Knee operations on the meniscus cartilage are a frequent procedure on a particularly complex part of the human body. Empa researchers want to provide an improved basis for clinicians in order to reduce the risks of the operation. Using 3D models based on micro-computed tomography analyses in the laboratory, they are mapping the blood vessel network of the meniscus on a nanometer scale.

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  • Should all patients aged 75 years or older receive cemented femoral components for primary THA?

    Since the advent of the modern THA in the 1960s, it has been a life-changing surgical procedure with overwhelmingly successful results.

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  • Future of Football: Why ACL injuries have been on rise in women's game - and the technology and solutions to fix it

    It has been the hottest topic in the women's game - but not for welcome reasons. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are wreaking havoc within the sport, depriving top competitions, leagues and tournaments of some of the world's best players.

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  • Two-Portal Arthroscopic Knotless All-Suture Anchor Posterior Labral Repair

    Isolated posterior shoulder instability accounts for approximately 10% of shoulder instability cases. Patients may present after an acute trauma or with insidious onset and associated posterior shoulder pain. Knotless and all-suture anchor devices have become increasing popular and are often used in arthroscopic shoulder instability cases to avoid knot stacks and allow for the ability to re-tension the fixation. This technical note describes our technique for 2-portal posterior labral repair using knotless all-suture anchors with the patient in the lateral decubitus position.

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  • Pain on Top of Foot: Treatment Based on Cause

    Pain on the top of the foot can occur from injury or as a side effect of a medical condition. You may also experience swelling, numbness, tingling, or burning—depending on the cause of your foot pain. Conditions such as osteoarthritis, extensor tendonitis, and gout can cause pain on the top of the foot.

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