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Interval Throwing Program for Athletes


  1. Break a sweat
  2. Dynamic stretches
  3. Shoulder stretches
  4. Bands


In the ITP, the target distances recommended are rounded to the nearest 10 feet. -To each Phase there is a short toss, a 15 minute rest and a long toss component to be performed at each workout.

Soreness Rules

  • If sore more than 1 hour afterthrowing, OR the next day, take 1 day off and repeat the most recent throwing program workout.
  • If sore during warm-up but soreness is gone within the first 10-15 throws, repeat the previous workout. If shoulder/elbow becomes sore during this workout, stop and take 2 days off. Upon return to throwing, drop down 1 phase.
  • If sore during warm-up and soreness continues through the first 15 throws, stop throwing and take 2 days off. Upon return to throwing, drop down 1 phase.
  • If no soreness, advance 1 phase every throwing day.
  • Do not advance more than 2 phases per week.

Off Season Maintenance Program:

Throw 2-3 times per week at Phase VII or VIII with at least 1 day of rest betweenworkouts.

In Season:

  • Day 0 –Game
  • Day 1 –Throw Phase III
  • Day 2 –Throw Phase VII
  • Day 3 –Throw Phase IV

After an injury (When cleared by doctor):Begin with Phase I. Take 2-3 days rest between sessions and advanceas soreness Rules allow.

Emphasis should be placed on proper throwing and body mechanics. The crow-hop method should be used to avoid stress to the throwing arm. The distance of the throw determines the velocity of the throw and the ball should only have enough speed to travel the appropriate distance. The athlete should begin with warm-up throws. The goal is to be able to throw the specified distance 75 times without pain.

During the recovery process the athlete may experience soreness and possibly a dull, aching sensation in the muscles and tendons. If the athlete experiences sharp pain, particularly in the joint, stop all throwing activity until the pain ceases and call the athlete's physician if pain continues.

This program is based on an individual thrower, and because all throwers will vary, there is no time for completion of the program. It is essential that the thrower complete each individual phase with the proper throwing and body mechanics and without an increase in pain. Once the phase has been completed, the athlete then progresses to the next phase. This sets up a progression that an individual goal is achieved prior to advancement instead of advancing at a specified time. This will greatly decrease the chance for re-injury and greatly increase the most adequate and safest route to return to competition.

Return To Throwing Program

NOTE: Pitchers will begin throwing off the mound at the completion of 90 ft


  1. Use the “Return to Throwing Program,” for *Warm-up @ 75 ft.
  2. Pitching Coach must be present to enforce proper throwing mechanics.
  3. Throw 2 days per week from the mound; not consecutive days.

Return To Throwing Program

Please note that rehabilitation protocols are to be used as general guidelines in the overall treatment and plan of care for the patients of Dr. Colten Luedke, Orthopedic Surgery-Sports Medicine. Supervised treatment and care under physicians, physical therapists, and athletic trainers are essential in a patient progressing through each phase of the rehabilitation process. Our doctors, therapists, and trainers will determine the appropriate progression of the specific protocol for each patient.